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iSpring Learn LMS Gets a Facelift

iSpring Learn has become even more optimized for easy e-Learning! The fresh new user portal invites your learners to access their content from an intuitive library, showing how far they’ve progressed in their courses. Each content item features a comments section for learners and instructors, and your users can leave you general feedback about their experiences.

Let’s take a look at some of the cool features of your user portal:

  • Your branding. Customize your learner portal with your company logo and color scheme.
  • Intuitive content library. Course materials are separated into three categories: “To Do”, “Optional”, and “Completed”. Your learners will know exactly what they’ve done and what they need to do.
  • Content thumbnails. Thumbnail images are automatically generated for some types of content (videos and iSpring courses). Administrators can always change the thumbnails to better reflect the material within.
  • Progress meters. Each incomplete course shows your users whether or not they’ve started it, and what percentage they’ve completed.
  • Course descriptions. When your users click through to a course, they will see a page containing a description and course duration so they’ll know what’s ahead of them.
  • Comments sections. Under each course description, there’s a comments section for users to interact with each other and with subject matter experts. This allows topics to be expanded on, problems to be resolved, etc.
  • Profile pictures. Each user can add a profile avatar which will be displayed in the portal and in the comments section, adding a personal feel to the discussion.

Together, these elements combine to make a simple, yet powerful learning experience for every user. Just populate your iSpring Learn with exciting, engaging course material, and watch your students burn through it in their comfortable, convenient new user portal!

Check out the video below for a visual tour of the new user portal:

Have any ideas to make the iSpring Learn User Portal even cooler? Share them in the comments below!

iSpring Suite

Create online courses and assessments in record time.

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