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Each year, the ASTD International Conference & Expo is an event not to be missed by those in the learning, and training & development industry. ASTD ICE 2014 was no exception. Each aspect of the industry is covered for every level of practitioner. At ASTD 2014, more than 9,000 learning colleagues from around the globe met in Washington, D.C. to share best practices and insights. Attendees learned from world-renowned thought leaders, and industry luminaries on current and future trends, and found out how to apply them on the job to get results. ASTD 2014 provided the tools and resources necessary to move you and your organization forward, and iSpring was honored not only to be in attendance, but to also be able to partner with our awesome clients, A.D.A.M., a business unit of Ebix for a workshop on the topic “Bleeding edge no more! Time to begin training in HTML5”.


This year’s conference went very well; the organization of the event earned our A+ as usual. We had a lot of fun and at the same time were able to network, meet new people, and talk to our existing clients.

Why ASTD was a bit different this year:

As we briefly mentioned above, this year, iSpring partnered with A.D.A.M., a business unit of Ebix. A.D.A.M. is the most credible source of healthcare information and multimedia visual learning assets for hospitals and healthcare organizations. Together we presented a workshop on the topic “Bleeding edge no more! Time to begin training in HTML5.” In this session, attendees learned to create mobile-compatible, interactive eLearning programs with A.D.A.M. and iSpring. They had the opportunity to build their own e-Learning training course complete with full-color animations, narration, and engaging content.



This year, we also participated in a sticker card game by A.D.A.M. and iSpring, “Stick It 2 Win It.” The top three lucky winners received an iSpring Presenter 7 license! Those close behind were not left out and won an iTunes gift card sponsored by A.D.A.M. A big thank you to everyone who participated and congratulations to our lucky winners!


Another cool highlight we experienced during our time in Washington was a baseball game. The iSpring team went to the Washington Nationals VS LA Dodgers (AKA Boston Red Sox WEST). We did not stay to see the end due to a three hour rain delay – but had a memorable night nonetheless. Good thing there’s no crying in baseball!

The iSpring doll went there as well; however didn’t understand the rules. ;)


We also took her to see the United States Capitol. It seemed like she and her whole family thoroughly enjoyed it:


Overall, ASTD ICE 2014 was a success, both in business and leisure.

Thank you ASTD! Looking forward to next year!

Were YOU at ASTD 2014? What were your big takeaways?

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