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Big Success for Big Pharma with iSpring

My name is Chris Porfido and I am a project manager at a pharmaceutical sales training company named PharmaDigital Communications. I have worked in the training industry for less than a year but have worked closely with our development team to build multiple training modules using iSpring.

One of the main reasons the iSpring development suite has played such a pivotal part of my day-to-day responsibilities is because it can communicate so well with our clients’ learning management systems (LMS). We have had a lot of challenges with LMS compatibility in the past when using other eLearning authoring tools such as Captivate, Storyline, and Lectora, which has led us to iSpring.

A lot of our work involves converting a client’s old training materials into dynamic, interactive e-Learning programs and iSpring has made that process incredibly efficient. With iSpring we have been able to take existing PowerPoint training modules and convert them to engaging e-Learning modules with all the original content and animations still intact.

One of the first projects I managed was a 5-module training course on the way different drugs metabolize in the body. We had already rewritten almost all of the content and received client approval on the visual storyboard we had created using another authoring tool. By the time we got around to testing the alpha shell on their LMS we were informed that the assessment questions were not correctly communicating with the LMS. We tried outputting the shell using every possible combination of output settings and after weeks of back and forth with their LMS administrator we felt we had hit a wall and we would have to start development from scratch in a new authoring tool.

Thankfully one of our developers recommended we import the course content into iSpring. We were able to output all of the assessment questions into Quizmaker and import them directly into iSpring without needing to manually reenter any of the data. As far as the content was concerned, we were able to upload our visual storyboard from PowerPoint into iSpring, with the assessment questions already in place, and we were right back on track. The next day we were able to get a new alpha shell out to the client, and after only a few tries were able to get the shell to work in coordination with the LMS.

The course turned out to be a great success, and iSpring saved my team from a great deal of extra time and effort to get the project back on track.

I would recommend iSpring to any eLearning developers looking for an efficient, reliable, and accessible development tool for creating interactive learning modules. I also recommend iSpring to clients because of its track record of working with a wide range of LMSs.

Do you have an iSpring success story to share? Let us know in the comments below!