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Case Study: Creating a nonlinear course in a breeze

My name is Alice Marshall and I have recently graduated from The University of Manchester after completing a three year Degree in Biology.

For what project did you consider iSpring as an authoring tool?

One of my University projects was to create an e-Learning resource to aid an animal based field trip to South Africa where students would be learning about insect classification in particular and then identifying insects found in the field. I considered using a variety of different software types but ultimately decided upon iSpring Suite.

What are the benefits of using iSpring/what features did you like best?

iSpring ticked all the boxes in terms of the criteria I needed to meet. The e-Learning resource I wanted to create needed to be nonlinear, made up of several sub-sections and every aspect needed to be controlled by the user, especially when clicking their way through a multi-option flowchart. iSpring allowed me to convert a basic set-up on Microsoft PowerPoint into a functional, professional looking resource. Here is the course that I got on the outcome:

What were the challenges?

The main challenges were linking the resource together in a way that allowed the user to go back and forth throughout the resource and skip to different sections and pages when needed. iSpring had an option to do so by removing the usual PowerPoint control of clicking the mouse to be taken to the next page linearly with an option to maneuver through the resource by clicking hyperlinks already set up.

Do you have any highlights from your experience with iSpring?

iSpring was so easy to use, I didn’t need to sit through any lengthy tutorials as I had experienced with other forms of software. It allowed you to try things out for yourself and remove them as and when you pleased.

To whom would you recommend iSpring?

Anybody and everybody, it really is that easy to use and can transform a PowerPoint Presentation into a professional looking resource.