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Design Essentials for eLearning on Tablets

The portability and functionality of tablets and mobile devices are making them increasingly popular work tools. This move from desktop to go-anywhere technology requires the development of eLearning solutions that are accessible and functional across all device platforms.


The market demand to develop solutions for using tablets and other mobile devices with online learning introduces some unique design challenges for designing e-Courses.

Discover more details about benefits of eLearning on tablets

Challenge 1: Compatibility

Surprisingly, many instructional design software are not compatible across operating systems and devices. An eLearning course designed for PC compatibility may become static and useless on an iPad. To make sure your e-Learners can access your course at any time and on any device, you can use software like iSpring.

Challenge 2: Functionality

Keep in mind that your buttons and graphics will be viewed on both smart phones and large screens. In all cases, buttons and other visual elements must be legible and selectable. As you design, keep in mind that buttons, menus, and tools need to be easy to see, read, and select. Review your design and layout to make sure there is little-to-no room for inadvertent user errors.

Challenge 3: Simplicity of Design

Make your interface both intuitive and functional. Strong designs remove all unnecessary elements, allowing learners to focus all their mental energy on course material. Keep learners focused and motivated by creating a mobile-friendly layout that ensures learners do not have to do any type of problem-solving when it comes to using navigation, menus, or other course elements. Streamline the user experience by removing any design elements that are distracting, redundant, or looping in nature.

Keeping these simple tips in mind will make your eLearning solutions accessible to the e-Learner on the go.

To learn more about instructional design and eLearning, read more blog posts, or ask your questions in our social accounts on Facebook or Twitter.

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