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FACTS About LMS (Learning Management System)

You have no doubt heard some things about LMS (Learning Management System) and may be wondering what it is all about. As with anything new, there are misconceptions and misunderstandings.


We will do our best to clear them up and deliver you the real story, or as Joe Friday from Dragnet would say “Just the facts, Ma’am.”

The FACTS about LMS (Learning Management System):

  • What is it?
    Learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of e-Learning education courses or training programs. Learn more about organizing training with an LMS.
  • History.
    The concept of computer based learning is not new. It can be traced to software based learning called Computer Based Instruction (CBI) or Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). LMS, however, is based on a more recent concept first introduced by Jostens Learning called Integrated Learning System or ILS. LMS is NOT CBI or CAI! Systems have been available since 2004 and have been gaining popularity with the advent of the internet and mobile technology
  • What is ILS?
    ILS goes beyond simple instruction like CBI and CAI to include more personalized instruction.
  • Features.
    LMS features include easy delivery and tracking of online educational and training courses, videos, assessments and surveys, as well as, better management and tighter integration with databases.
  • Enter the Internet.
    As the world wide web and now mobile technology arrived, the delivery of ILS improved dramatically. Learning Management Systems have arrived.
  • Usage.
    LMS is being used by consulting companies, in employee appraisals, competency testing, pre-employment screening, customer surveys and more. As the concepts are better understood, they are being more widely applied.
  • Systems Available.
    There are now about 50 different Learning Management Systems on the market with more arriving every day.
  • Industry Size.
    According to mindflash, LMS is now a billion dollar industry and growing rapidly.

Do you have any questions about Learning Management Systems?

Are you currently utilizing an LMS? If so, we would love to hear about your LMS of choice!

We are iSpring Solutions and we invite you to contact us via our website or any of our social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to learn whether or not an e-Learning system would be beneficial for your needs.

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