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iSpring Suite Wins the Brandon Hall Gold Award in Excellence in Technology

22 years ago, the Brandon Hall Group, a human capital consulting firm, initiated their award program. Today, the Brandon Hall awards in Learning Technology have become so prestigious, they are often called the “Academy Awards.”

This year, iSpring Suite won the Brandon Hall Group Gold Award for Excellence in the Best Advance in Content Authoring Technology.

iSpring is in good company: Dell, IBM, Cisco, LG, Docebo, and PwC are among the other category winners.

We’ve already cleared space on our trophy shelf to make room for the 2016 Gold next to our 2010 and 2013 Brandon Hall Excellence in Technology awards.

iSpring has three Gold Brandon Hall Awards

We are extremely proud to have gained such a distinction!

The criteria were strict — so much so that there were some categories left with no Gold winners. The panel of judges included Brandon Hall Group analysts and executives as well as independent industry experts.

iSpring Suite has been recognized by the jury as a productivity booster. Customers who use several authoring tools simultaneously say that with iSpring Suite, it takes 25% less time to get a course ready and published. And if they are struggling to build interactive content, doing it with iSpring turns out to be 80% faster!

25% less time to get a course ready and published

The figures are impressive, and there’s no wonder how we achieved it.

  • iSpring Suite works out of the box, no training or studying manuals required
  • You have one single tool which helps you to build all types of content essential for e-Learning: courses, quizzes, surveys, video lectures, dialog simulations, screencasts and interactions
  • You can use preexisting PowerPoint files and easily turn them into online courses
  • iSpring content is thoroughly tested on multiple mobile and desktop platforms and LMSs. This ensures that courses play perfectly on any mobile and desktop device and with any LMS. Thus, our customers don’t face any compatibility issues

Much of iSpring’s success can be attributed to the fact that we rapidly adopt the most innovative technologies. Back in 2013, iSpring Suite 7 became one of the first e-Learning toolkits which published courses in the new HTML5 format. This year, we’ve enhanced Suite with a smart component which allows trainers to build dialog simulations with branching scenarios and synced audio. Also, we’ve introduced the support of cmi5, the latest M-learning format, which is rumored to become the SCORM for mobiles. And once again, with cmi5, we were the first out of the gate.

80% of support cases are resolved in less than 2 hours

Another reason for the award is excellent customer service. iSpring technical support team has garnered a prestigious reputation, thanks to its incredibly rigorous and responsive rescue squad. And they are insanely fast: 80% of support cases are successfully resolved in less than 2 hours.

iSpring support engineers

All these competences have been confirmed by our customers’ testimonials and success stories.

We’d like to thank all the iSpringers who provided references! A critical part of the entry’s evaluation was assessing how well the tool satisfied the needs and desires of the users.

This award is an incredible testament to our hard work and our passion for building the industry-leading solution for course creators. The secret is that we’re never satisfied with average or even above-average level of quality; nothing less than excellent will do.

Surely, we’re not going to rest on our laurels. Version 8.7 is arriving in just a couple of months, and in 2018, we will release iSpring Suite 9. There will be a lot of enhancements and completely new options; however, the general rule will remain: you create and teach, iSpring Suite takes care of the technical part of the process.

Winning the “Academy Award” in content authoring technology is a great way to end this year. Well done to all those involved!

iSpring Suite

Create online courses and assessments in record time.

Fast course authoring toolkit Fast course authoring toolkit Fast course authoring toolkit