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mLearnCon 2014: Fun, Sun and mLearning!

The iSpring Solutions team is always excited to attend the annual Mobile Learning Conference & Expo, and this year was no exception. mLearnCon 2014 was held in San Diego, California this past June. For those not familiar with the conference, mLearnCon focuses on helping individuals make sense of the wide array of emerging mobile technologies, as well as understanding proven strategies for integrating mobile into your training and development mix and learning best practices for designing, developing, and delivering successful mobile learning and performance support. Whether you are working in a corporate, academic, or government setting—whether you’re focused on setting the strategy or leading the development effort—whether you’re new to mLearning or have been at it for some time—attendees of mLearnCon find the ideas, information, and connections they need to succeed in an ever developing industry.


Upon our arrival at the conference, the iSpring team set up shop at our booth where we thoroughly enjoyed demoing the new and improved Suite 7 to our current and prospective customers. It’s always a pleasure to network, meet new people and talk to our existing clients face to face!  Attendees of the conference who stopped by the iSpring Solutions booth were able to view demos showing off the key new features of Suite 7; including its mobile support, character library & wizard, new pixel density feature and much more.

We also participated in the mLearnCon DemoFest.  DemoFest is a collective showcase where conference participants share their latest mobile learning projects. Attendees move from table to table, getting to see a wide variety of solutions in which mobile technology was used to address common challenges we all face.  iSpring shared the DemoFest stage with our client A.D.A.M., a business unit of Ebix. It was a great opportunity for us to demo the medical project created by our client using iSpring as a solution provider.

At the DemoFest we also had the pleasure of running into our friends from the eLearning brothers!


Though we were here for work, we also got in a little bit of leisure outside of the conference as well. With San Diego as the setting for this year’s mLearnCon, we couldn’t help but take in some of the sights and beauty that San Diego has to offer.


The iSpring Nesting Doll also made the journey to San Diego where we enjoyed a little time on the beach and in the ocean.


Overall, mLearnCon 2014 was a huge success!

Were YOU at mLearnCon 2014?  We’d love to hear about YOUR experience!

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