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With iSpring, we’ve conducted mass certification four times faster!

AG Experts company is a part of AGC Holdings, which specializes in repair and replacement of automotive glass. It also is a partner of the leading insurance companies in terms of glass elements claims settlement.


AG Experts service centers are located in more than 70 cities across Russia, which makes it difficult to inform, educate, and certify employees. Besides we needed to conduct a mass certification among all employees of our service centers every year.


Last summer, after thorough research, we became happy owners of iSpring Learn LMS and its companion authoring tool, iSpring Suite. With the greatest pleasure, I transferred my experience of live training into an online format. In only one week, I created my first learning module, which included:

  • short video lectures
  • relevant slides with useful info
  • video streaming from YouTube
  • intermediate assessment
  • dialogue simulation for practicing customers’ objections
  • 3D book with general information
  • final assessment

Our employees are mostly young people of 25-30 years, and they loved the structure of the online course because it reflected my live training as much as possible.

The Result

The powerful bundle by iSpring satisfied us completely in terms of content creation, management of our learning process, and building our own knowledge base. Intuitive interface in the familiar PowerPoint environment, awesome features that are super easy to implement, fantastic tech support – all that helped us to start right away and made our life easier.

Thanks to iSpring, annual mass certification became an engaging and fully-controlled process. All the questions were presented in the format of a quiz. I tried to use all available options for document demonstration and types of questions. Some of the questions were enhanced with pictures and for especially hard questions I used info slides.

The complete and clear reporting system allowed me to analyze learners’ results and prepare the second level of certification for those who didn’t pass. Usually, I reserved 4 months to prepare this type of training. I couldn’t believe when with iSpring I was able to complete everything in a period of 1 month.

We were also able to conduct a mass assessment after a competition in glass repair that we hold every year. This event was lacking feedback from organizers and participants. With iSpring, we were able to find out how participants felt about this event and were able to receive constructive feedback and lots of useful ideas. For the survey, we used the pick one and essay question types. They appeared to be perfect for that purpose.

I also can’t help but mention the rise in team spirit. Front row sales reps, heads of departments, and coaches enthusiastically share their experience and content, which I help to transfer online. Together we discuss the content structure, design, and methods of presentation. We also learned how to use a screen recording feature from iSpring video tutorials. Now we’ve even found an official voice-over artist from amongst our colleagues.

What’s next?

We are planning to launch a contest for the account managers. We are going to upload successful negotiations held by contestants and the winner will be chosen with the help of a quiz. We got a peek at this approach during the e-Learning Marathon. Recommendations I would highly recommend iSpring to those who are new to e-Learning and corporate training. You will be able to use your potential and creativity to its fullest, and your business goals will be easily achieved!