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Award‑winning gamification LMS

Gamified LMS to spark top learner performance

Use effective gamification mechanics to get employee buy-in for benefits, guarantee completion, and make learning the top growth factor for your organization.

iSpring Learn gamification lms

Ready, set, go! Take full advantage of our gamified learning platform

Points: Visible progress

Give learners points for completing modules, tracks, and courses – an excellent way to track learning journeys in real time on a single gamified benefits platform.
Points: Visible progress

Badges: Instant recognition

Unlock digital badges for every skill mastered and milestone achieved, registering learners’ growth step-by-step.
Badges: Instant recognition

Awards: Celebrated achievements

Motivate learners by giving them awards for exceptional performance and outstanding results. Customize award titles for every role, skill, and department.
Awards: Celebrated achievements

Leaderboards: Competitive edge

Drive higher completion rates and boost engagement through healthy competition between teams and individual learners.
Leaderboards: Competitive edge

Certificates: Professional credentials

Issue certificates right in our gamified LMS to validate learners’ expertise and support them in their career development.
Certificates: Professional credentials
Points: Visible progress
Badges: Instant recognition
Awards: Celebrated achievements
Leaderboards: Competitive edge
Certificates: Professional credentials

See gamification in action

Book a live demo

Industry-leading gamified LMS

Experience the benefits of smart LMS gamification for your business

Overcome employee resistance to benefits

Gamification turns boring obligatory benefits into an engaging adventure, making learners eager to jump in.

Increase learning retention

With gamification, your team won't just go through the motions – they'll truly grasp the material, making your benefits investment pay off in lasting knowledge.

Ensure effective skill development

Competition and rewards mean skills aren't just learned; your learners master and apply them through engaging exercises and activities.

Speed up change adoption

Fast application of knowledge boosts employees' ability to make informed decisions and implement changes quickly, unburdening managers and driving innovation.

Game on for impactful eLearning

Try iSpring Learn and experience the gamification glow-up of your training initiatives.

FAQ on learning management system gamification

What is a gamified LMS?

A gamified learning management system integrates game mechanics like points, badges, and leaderboards into the learning platform to make learning and training more engaging and drive better learning outcomes.

What are examples of gamification eLearning in iSpring Learn?

Examples of gamified digital learning include:

  • Earning points for finishing modules
  • Unlocking levels after passing quizzes successfully
  • Receiving badges for exceptional achievements
  • Gaining new titles for scoring at the top of leaderboards, etc.

All the gamification elements can be used within a single eLearning course.

Can I integrate my gamified LMS with other tools?

Yes, iSpring Learn is a gamified learning platform that integrates with HRIS, eCommerce tools, calendars, videoconferencing software, CRMs, and more. Check the full list of available integrations here.

How do I gamify the iSpring Learn LMS?

As an LMS with gamification, iSpring Learn provides gamification features as part of its settings.

To enable them, go to Settings → Additional options → Gamification → Enable gamification.

You can activate and customize these features to suit your training needs and style. Choose from a variety of game mechanics to motivate learners and reinforce their achievements. Learn more about gamification in this help document.