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iSpring Learn | LMS Analytics & Reporting

LMS Analytics: Track, Measure, and Boost Your Training ROI

  • Analyze key training KPIs with customizable LMS reports.
  • Close skill gaps and increase learning effectiveness.
  • Align training with your business goals.

LMS Reporting Features for Informed Business Decision-Making

All relevant training KPIs, visualized

Track completion rates, test results, and other metrics in insightful reports. View training analytics in intuitive dashboards customized to your needs and expertise level.
All relevant training KPIs, visualized

Targeted skill gap elimination

Identify learner groups with specific skill gaps and reassign tailored courses to them individually. Eliminate repetitive training for all employees, saving time and maintaining engagement.
Targeted skill gap elimination

Full compliance and certification control

Stay forearmed by monitoring compliance training. Get notifications on soon-to-expire certifications and set automatic re-assignment of relevant courses to ensure 100% compliance.
iSpring Learn corporate training course

Employees’ hard and soft skills overview

Create a collaborative and productive environment by collecting and analyzing data on how employees learn, apply their knowledge in the workplace, and develop in-team soft skills.
Employees’ hard and soft skills overview

Training performance aligned with business results

Import LMS analytics to your corporate BI system and see how employee training initiatives impact your business performance. Keep all essential data in your internal business ecosystem.
Training performance aligned with business results

Upper management kept in the loop

Use a supervisor dashboard to allow managers to easily monitor training performance and stay up-to-date without separate reports or shared admin access.
Upper management kept in the loop
All relevant training KPIs, visualized
Targeted skill gap elimination
iSpring Learn corporate training course
Employees’ hard and soft skills overview
Training performance aligned with business results
Upper management kept in the loop

Industry-leading LMS Data Analytics Platform

Stay Ahead of the Training Curve with LMS Reporting and Analytics

Empower employees to develop and perform better

Help every team member learn more effectively and adjust their training trajectory based on current progress.

Turn training into a business success factor

Identify key points of improvement and increase training ROI based on reliable data.

Stay compliant and avoid costly penalties

Catch and eliminate compliance gaps early on to make sure your organization follows all necessary industry regulations.

iSpring Learn

Train the Smart Way Thanks to LMS Reporting and Analytics

Try the iSpring Learn LMS and build a thriving organization with data-driven insights.

FAQ on LMS Reporting and Analytics

Can I make effective use of LMS reports if I’m not a data analytics expert?

Yes. You don’t need special expertise to understand and gain insights from the LMS reports in iSpring Learn. All reports are organized into clear dashboards with detailed statistics on every content item and every user. If the data in a report is abundant, you can use filters to hide irrelevant information to simplify navigation and focus on specific items and insights.

Can I create custom reports in iSpring Learn?

Yes, you can customize reports to access the necessary learner performance data, such as the results of a particular group or users' answers to a specific assignment.

Can I export all training analytics data in my organization from iSpring Learn?

Yes. Send organized data tables and reports to your internal or external BI and work with the insights further.
You can also set up regular automated report export to avoid manual data transfer.

Will you help me set up my LMS reports?

Yes, you can always reach out to our tech support for assistance in setting up LMS reports. Support agents will also help you with report customization, data importing and exporting, and any other questions you might have.