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How to use iSpring Talent Hub

iSpring Talent Hub will help you find a specialist who can create an online course, a quiz, or/and a role-play, set up an LMS, or launch eLearning in your company.

1. Determine what kind of specialist you need

To find the right person, choose their role by tags - the system will show you the best matching specialists:

An instructional designer — develops employee training programs: identifies training needs, finds the right format, works with subject matter experts, creates content, and develops assessments.

A course developer — creates learning content: ecourses, online tests, role-plays, interactive games, etc. in an authoring tool.

An LMS administrator — launches and sets up a learning management system in a company: customizes the interface, creates employee accounts, designs learning tracks, and manages the analytics.

A project manager — helps to move classroom training online, or develop a current learning project.

If you choose several roles, the system will show you professionals who combine all these aspects.

2. Choose a specialist

Choose the professional that seems like the best fit. When selecting a candidate, consider these things:

The "About me" section. Choose those whose description matches your needs, and who have the right skills for your project.

Relevant projects. Look through a specialist’s projects and evaluate their competence. Professionals share their best projects on the website.
A person can complete all iSpring courses and not be a good fit for your task.
Look at a specialist’s projects and portfolio for better assessment.

3. Discuss your project

You can start with any professional through the contact form: press the button "Contact" and submit necessary information. Contact an expert however you prefer.

Start with a small test task that’ll show how comfortable you are working with this specialist, and how useful they’ll be for your project.

Say, you’re looking for an instructional designer who’ll create a series of online courses. Ask a candidate to create a course, or a course module first. Assess the result.

Don’t start with a big project.

How to become a member of iSpring Talent Hub

On our website, we show only specialists certified by iSpring. iSpring Certification is a chance to learn about iSpring tools in detail and get an expert status, increase your labor market value, become more noteworthy among colleagues, and perhaps get new projects from clients.

Talent Hub Disclaimer

The information provided above by iSpring (we, us, or our) on Talent Hub is for general informational purposes only. All information on this page is provided in good faith; however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the site.

  1. Under no circumstances shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the site based on any information provided on this page. Your use of the site and any information on the site is done solely and entirely at your own risk.
  2. We have no responsibility for the actions of these specialists, and they are not and cannot be considered to be our employees or affiliates.
  3. iSpring is not an agent and does not receive any preferential treatment or commission from these specialists.
  4. The site is not a job or contractor search platform and may not be considered or qualified as such.
  5. By posting the details of these specialists on our site, we are only confirming that all such individuals have been certified by iSpring in accordance with iSpring internal procedures and standards.
    The certification confirms that a specialist is a proficient user of iSpring software.
    The users are cautioned and understand that certification is not a guarantee of their satisfaction with the specialists’ work.

External links disclaimer
The Talent Hub website may contain (or you may be sent via the website) links to other websites or content belonging to or originating from third parties, or links to websites and features in banners or other advertising. Such external links are not investigated, monitored, or checked for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness by us.

We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information offered by third parties.

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